AI Powered Responsible Interactive Systems

(ai)RIS Interactive system is a stand-alone hardware & software solution for enabling enhanced interaction and dynamic environments.

Whether leveraging existing environmental elements or looking to start with a new experience design, (ai)RIS provides the tools needed to create dynamic moments for your customers.

Once configured, the (ai)RIS hardware is self-contained, plug & play, and networkable with updates available via cloud-based interface.

(ai)RIS cloud-based platform gives managed access for marketing teams to tailor interactive experiences for the desired engagement.


  • Gaze detection
    • Enhance user interface with area of interest enhancements
    • Create responsive environmental effects based on where customers are looking
  • Skeleton tracking
    • Inform content with context of what items people are engaging
  • Product identification
    • Understand what your consumer is seeing
    • Streamline merchandising through dynamic signage integration
  • Metrics
    • Gain insight through heatmapping areas of your experience